I think so I still waiting for my Papa to come home, but he not here yet. My
Tutu said Papa is very sick so he cannot come home. I miss my Papa and I cannot see him. I think so they dummies, they don't let me see my Papa. My Tutu said my Papa ask for me today and the nurse tell him no.
My Papa been sick a really long time I think so. Today we went to the hospital again. He had one more surgery to put a tube in his opu(stomach). That is for them to feed him. But I think so you suppose to eat with your mouth, hello! The opu don't have teeth to bite the food. How Papa going chew his food? I think so I don't understand, maybe.
My Tutu is sad cause Papa is sick. Sometimes she cries for my Papa cause he's not home, and he is very sick. She always prays for God to make my Papa better and I help her pray too. Please God make my Papa pau sick, okay?
Aunty Wench came from Texas to see Papa, but she had to go home to work and take care of Uncle Kyle. Papa was very happy to see her. And my Uncle Jimmy and cousin Alex came from California too. But they went home too. I had fun with Alex cause he played with me. One day Uncle Jimmy play the guitar, I play the ukulele and alex played my small drum. Uncle Jimmy told me to follow what he do and I did it with the ukulele. We had fun.
On Saturday we pick up Aunty Malia and she stayed our house. Uncle Jeff is in Oregon, so I think so Aunty Malia could sleep over. We went to the hospital and then we went to meet
Aunty Chris and
Uncle Doyle. They took us to dinner and I make Aunty Chris sit by me. And they brought presents for me,
Missy and Preston from
Dakota. Thank you Dakota. After we pau eat, we went outside and they talk story and I played with Uncle Doyle.
Now it's only me, Mommy and Tutu again. My Tutu misses everybody. I think so I miss them too. I go watch Disney Channel now, okay? Bye, I love you.